Deck Legality and Export Deck Registration Sheet
Decks now get checked for legality and can be exported to a Wizards of the Coast (WOTC) Deck Registration Sheet.
• Deck Legality Check
Decks now display a deck legality icon next to their name.
Decks that are legal display a green circle checkmark
Decks that are not legal display a warning icon
If the deck is not legal, clicking the icon will explain each violation.
List of deck violations
• Export WOTC Deck Registration Sheet
WOTC Deck Registration Sheet is now available from the Export Deck screen. It is a PDF export that can be used for deck registration in WOTC tournaments.
New Export Format: WOTC Deck Registration Sheet
If the deck is not legal, this export is disabled.
WOTC Deck Registration Sheet disabled
Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for deck imports!